The pediatric service of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the primary health care (PHC) system over the past 10 years has been carried out according to the Model of the European Institute of General Practitioners (GPs), which is close to the system of medical care for the population by a family doctor. This resulted in the transfer of the entire volume of outpatient care for children, previously performed by a pediatrician, into the hands of a general practitioner who serves adults and children together.
This reform did not lead to an improvement in the quality of care, prevention, and diagnostic and treatment work. Therefore, taking into account the state of medical care for children, the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted a resolution to reopen pediatric faculties, starting in September 2017.
Currently, the number of pediatricians in the country is 2 per 10,000 children, that is, 900-1000 pediatricians in the entire country. But in the coming years, the number of doctors providing medical care to children in primary care is expected to more than double.
In 2017, from September 1, admission of students to KazNMU was resumed in accordance with the State Educational Standard – 2017 in the specialty 5B130300 “Pediatrics”, according to license №KZ50LAA00009777 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for educational activities in the specialty “5B130300 – Pediatrics, 5 years + 2” dated July 20, 2017 of the year.
In 2017, on September 1, the first enrollment of students took place at the S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University in the specialty 5B130300 “Pediatrics”. Currently, 1081 students are studying at the university in the specialty 5B130300 “Pediatrics”.
From 2018 to 2020 The dean of the faculty was Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Children’s Infectious Diseases A.K. Katarbaev.
From 2020 to 2023 the dean of the faculty was Saule Ilyasovna Sydykova – candidate of medical sciences.
Currently, the training of pediatricians is headed by the dean of the School of Pediatrics, Rasulbek Rakhmanberdievich Aipov, Doctor of Medical Sciences.
Schools of Pediatrics are currently supervised by 7 departments::
- Department of Childhood Diseases named after Professor N.A. Barlybaeva
- Department of Children’s Infectious Diseases
- Department of Pediatric Surgery with a course of pediatric academician K.O. Ormantaeva
- Department of Outpatient Pediatrics
- Department of Neonatology
- Department of Propaedeutics of Childhood Diseases
- Department of Pediatric Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
The departments of the School of Pediatrics include:
- P/Professors – 11;
- Assistant Professors – 25;
- PhD doctoral students – 5;
- Master’s students-9;
- Assistant– 29;