Department of Children Infectious Diseases — was founded at the 1−st of September in 1952. Until that time, the course of children infections was at the Department of Pediatrics faculty. Professor Elena Bartoshevich (1900-1967) was the first chair of Children Infections Diseases (1952-1954 y.). She was graduated of the Leningrad Institute of medical knowledge, worked as a doctor in the peatery at Ivanovo region and then in Aktobe and Almaty. Her DPhil «Water fever in Kazakhstan» was defended in 1948 y.
Since of September 1954, more than 30 years the department was headed by Tatiana Nikonova (1909-1987). Her Phil was devoted to actual problems of rheumatism in children. Professor T.N. Nikonova created the school of Children Infectious Diseases. Many of her students have leaded the major hospitals, the departments in universities, worked in research institutes.
E.A. Ogai was the first postgraduate student of Professor Nikonova, and after her she headed the department. The subject E.A. Ogai Phil «Viral hepatitis at children in cities condition with hostile ecological environment». Professor EA Ohio was the head of the Phil of G.G. Kuttykuzhanova “Immunopathogenetic approaches to therapy of chronic hepatitis B in children», 1997 y. Professor G.G.Kuttykuzhanova has headed the department since 1998 y.
The staff of the department actively has been doing research work.
At present Doctor of Medicine, M.D. L.T.Yeraliyeva is responsible for research work. The subject of Phil «Perfecting diagnostics of bacterial meningitis in children and immunopathogenetic approach to the therapy», 2010 y.
During existence the department, more than 70 Candidate’s dissertation was issued. They are devoted to actual problems of infectious diseases.
The leading science theme of the Department has always been the study of viral hepatitis, considered such issues as the timely diagnosis of hepatitis, the pathogenetic factors of age-related feature. At present the features of the new etiological factors of VH: C, D, G, TTV, SEN, X and Y are being explored. Until the 80s of last century dominated the bacterial infection so studies were carried out in respect of the clinic, treatment, prevention of scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, dysentery, typhoid fever in children. At the present period there are unexplored, and new infections − yersiniosis, listeriosis, HIV infection, meningitis, pneumococcal and Haemophilus influenzae type b etiology, and the department studied them.
The Phils who defended on the Department were: Trumova ZH.Z «Regional characteristics of prenatal HIV — transmission and methodological approaches to the clinical examination of children born to HIV-infected women.» Katarbaev A.K. «The relationship of health and demographic indicators, infectious disorders in children and prevention.»
The project of international program: «Pneumococcal disease in children and ways to prevent.» is running out.
Department’s staff has made a report at international conferences, congresses, symposiums with the results of scientific research, both in the near and far abroad. The professional and teaching staff of the similar Departments has training in the department of children’s infections diseases. In the 2008-2009 academic years the department received the title of the best pediatric department of the Faculty of KazNMU.
Since of foundation of the Department the scientific student works is carried out, the head MD, assistant Onalbaeva G.J. The Educational work is head MD, assistant Dzhumabekova A.T. The Department is in charge of student groups, conducting political information in groups, the wall newspapers and showcase were made, the film about teamwork of hospital and department was shot.
The professional and teaching staff of the Department give a great help to practical health care, to base hospital (CCIDH, Almaty), to the regional infectious diseases hospitals of KR, to pediatricians. Constantly is carried out the field training to improve the skills of pediatricians, infectious disease specialists, therapeutist.
The teaching staff of the department consults the severe patients, conducts clinical discussions, scientific, practical and pathological-anatomical conferences, the school of children’s infectious diseases. The result of the work is taking the first place in the national competition»Altyn Zhurek.» Much attention is paid to professional development and certification of physicians.
Head of the Department of Children infections KazNMU
Professor, MD Kuttykuzhanova GG