Cathedra of the physical education KazMI was created in 1935 year. It was the first head of the Popova E., in different years cathedra was headed: Makarenko B., Gut A., Seraliev M., Ivanov I., Smirnov V., Ryabtcov Y., Bekbolatov T. Teachers of the cathedra prepared more than 20 masters of sports and candidates for master of sports in different sports, hundred of athletes 1,2,3 bits.
In different years were the prad of the cathedra: Chevalier National Olympic Committee, International Judge honored coach RK at tract and field athletes – Radosnov V., honored doer of sport RK, CMS, USSA on boxing Novoseltsev V., International master’s of sports Greco-Roman wrestling, sportsman of the year, Champion Asian Games Imanbaev A., honored trainer RK archery Korotki A.
Currrently work at the cathedra teachers: Ph.D., Associate Professor Bekbolatov T., participants Olimpic games International masters of sports of rowing and Canoe, Asia Champion Satubaldin J., three time champion Asia, International masters of sports, ISRK rugby Kalen F.
Only in the last five years was published more than 50 scientific articles and two manuals to improve the training process and study the effects of physical culture and sports in the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students.
The main direction of the cathedra: preparation for passing the President’s test of physical fitness of the population RK, improvement of students by means of physical culture and sport.
In general, cathedra works is aimed at familiarizing students to a healthy lifestyle, preservation and strengthening of health by means physical culture and sport, conducted scientific and methodical work is carried out professionally applied training of future doctors. Now cathedra of physical education and wellness – qualified experts in the field of physical education and sport, close – knit team with great creative potential.