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School of Pediatrics
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A man and a law, he came from the akimat and a psychiatrist gave a lecture about gambling addiction. Pediatrics students took part in the event, received information, asked questions and improved their knowledge with their answers.
From November 27 to December 15, 2023, as part of the university visiting professors program, a webinar-seminar/master class was held on the topic “Modern perinatal technologies in caring for newborn children”
On November 16, 2023, a professionally oriented student conference was held at KazNMU dedicated to the “International Pediatrician Day” and the “85th anniversary of Kazakhstan pediatrics”: “Pediatrics is a special profession”, “Pediatrics is the best profession”, “Pediatrics is a special profession”.
A seminar was held with librarians on the topic – “Reading Nation”.
Данные по мероприятиям. Ссылки
On November 22, 2023, the School of Pediatrics together with high school № 125 in Almaty held an “Open Day” for 80 future applicants as part of career guidance work. Under the leadership of the head of the department of anatomy, an excursion to the museum and anatomical museum of KazNMU was held.
Неонатология кафедрасы Алматы облысының Денсаулық сақтау басқармасы Облыстық балалар клиникалық ауруханасы «Шала туылған балалар күніне» арналған ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция 17 қараша, 2023 жыл
«Халықаралық педиатр күніне» және «Қазақстандық Педиатрияның 85-жылдығына» арналған: «Педиатрия – ерекше мамандық», «Педиатрия – лучшая профессия», «Pediatrics is the best Profession» тақырыбында Кәсіби бағдарланған студенттік конференция
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