Educational-methodical work

Since September 2017, taking into account the state of health care for children the Government of Republic of Kazakhstan adopted a decision to reopen the pediatric faculty. On September 1, renewed admission of students according to SES – 2017 to specialty 5V130300 “Pediatrics”, respectively the license number KZ 50 LAA 00,009,777 Ministry of Health for educational activities in “5V130300 – Pediatrics, 5 + 2” on July 20, 2017.
Educational program of undergraduate majoring 5V130300 “Pediatrics”, implemented in the KazNMU named S.Asfendiyarov” in 2017, has a license to conduct educational activities in this specialty. With the obsession of educational implemented programs in the specialty 5V130300 “Pediatrics” consistent with the mission and purpose of KazNMU. KazNMU determined the model of the educational program “Pediatrics”, which includes an integrated model based on discipline, organ systems, clinical problems and diseases. The university carries out activity on planning, providing, observing, studying and evaluating, improving and ensuring the quality and integrity of the educational program in the specialty “Pediatrics”. Educational program on specialty 5V130300 – “Pediatrics” developed pediatric faculty chairs KazNMU accordance with GOSO- 2017 (approved by order of the Minister of Health №530 from July 17, 2017). Higher education “5V130300 -” Pediatrics “(5 + 2).
At the Chair of Children’s diseases №2 contingent of students presented by Bachelor’s (4-year ), interns and residents on the specialty of pediatrics, neonatology.
Our teachers – Karimhanova A.T, Baygazieva G.ZH were in the working group on the development of educational programs in the field of “Pediatrics”, “Neonatology” for interns and residents. According to the regulations for educational process they designed syllabus disciplines:
Specialty “5V130300 -” Pediatrics ” designed syllabus:
– for interns of 6 course: on the subject “Children’s diseases (hospital)” 270/6 (developer – .Karimhanova A.T);
-for interns of 7 course on the subject “Children’s diseases (hospital) 540/12 (developer – .Hituova LK); Neonatology
To residents of 1 year of training in the specialty “Neonatology” made by Professor Baygazieva G.ZH:
1.Sillabus “Neonatology of 1 and 2 levels in maternity units” (32/1440)
2.Sillabus “Outpatient neonatology» ( 4/180)
3.Sillabus “Neonatal Neurology” (90/2)
4.Sillabus “Neonatology”
For Residents of second 2 years the training on the specialty – Neonatology :
‘The Monitoring of the infectious status of mother and child’ (Elective)
Disciplines and student body:
For the 7 course elective courses in the specialty Pediatrics 5V130300 by Professor Baygazievoy G.ZH:
1.”Algorithm for neonatal resuscitation. Asphyxia of the newborn “(90/2)
2.”Treating of LBW infants and children with the straight prolonged jaundice “(90/2).
For Master degree students (syllabus) -developed by Karimhanova A.T
1. Laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods of lysosomal diseases
speciality: 6M110100 “Medicine”
2. The role of infectious factors in perinatal pathology of the mother and child
speciality: 6M110100 “Medicine”
Since 2017 into the educational process implemented educational programs
On our Chair by teaching of Basic disciplines and components of choice for 4 bachelors course in the specialty “General Medicine”, interns of 6,7 courses, residents.
For the students of 4 courses conducted the disciplines: “Fundamentals of Childhood Illness”, “Pathology and physiology of the newborn”
“Childhood diseases” – 4 course (International Medical Faculty),
“Childhood diseases (hospital)” – 6 course in the direction of Pediatrics.
(Intern training is conducted by GOSO 2017 program direction appropriate educational training internship)
“Pediatrics” on the specialty 5V130100- ‘General medicine”, developed in accordance with the highest GOSO special education, approved by Order of the Acting Ministry of health on July 31, 2015 № 647 .
“Children diseases (hospital)” – on 7 th year in the direction of PediaGOSO in 2006 for an internship on a specialty “Pediatrics”. A typical training program on specialty “General practice” approved by order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 734 of October 26, 2011
“Children diseases in the hospital – for residents 2 years of training (residency educational program on speciality 6R114200 – Pediatrics approved by order №551 from 02.10.2017, developed in accordance with GOSO residency, approved by order. Ministry of Health from July 31, 2010 № 647 “On approval of state compulsory standards and standard professional training of medical and pharmaceutical programs
specialties on January 30, 2008 №28.
Neonatology for residents of 1,2 course of education (educational program on a specialty residency 6R114300 – Neonatology have evidence supporting by order №551 from 10.02.2017, developed in accordance with GOSO residency,
approved by Order of the Acting Ministry of Health 31 july 2015, № 647 “On approval of the state compulsory standards and professional standard training programs for medical and pharmaceutical specialties ” , the Regulation on the residency , have evidence supporting the order on January 30, 2008 №28.


Introduction of an Interactive teaching method “Cased-based -learning (CBL), based on a clinical case and using a debatable technology for 4th-year students in the discipline “Children’s diseases”

At the Department of Children’s Diseases named after Prof. N.A.Barlybayeva at the clinical base of the the Children’s City Clinical Hospital No. 2, on 02.02.2023y, practical classes were held with the introduction of an Innovative teaching method “Cased-based -learning (CBL), based on a clinical case and using a debatable technology for 4th-year students in the specialty “General Medicine” in the module “Fundamentals Children’s diseases”, in the discipline “Children’s diseases” on the topic: “Iron deficiency and Vitamin B12 –deficient Anemia in children” in groups GM-19-051a, GM-19-052a, GM-19-048a; teaching assistants, Masters of medical Sciences, Sagimova Raikhan Shyrynbaevna, Manasbaeva Araily Yelubaevna and the Head of the department is Doctor of Medical Sciences Tashenova Gulnara Talipovna.

The purpose of the introduction: the method of active problem-situational discussion, which is based on learning by solving certain tasks – clinical situations (solving cases) set by the teacher to students to improve the quality and effectiveness of student learning. Encouraging students to independently solve their own life tasks, including those related to professional activity, society.

Students are given a certain time limit – to discuss a clinical case, available data and problematic issues in groups for 15 minutes and make a decision. Two cases are sorted out in one lesson. The students were divided into two small groups of 5-6 people, 2 students as an expert group. Evaluates them by monitoring their work, competence and professionalism, correctness of the solution of this task, completeness and originality of the solution of the problem.

Stages of the lesson: 1-stage: The preparatory stage is conducting a test task to determine the initial level of students’ knowledge, a total of -10 tests are the same for both teams.

2- stages: The main stage. According to the scenario of familiarization with 2 clinical cases in each team, the child is 1g 10 months and 10 years old. Discussions on 5 issues: 1. Leading symptoms and syndromes of the disease, 2. Interpretation of laboratory and instrumental studies, 3. Justified the preliminary diagnosis based on complaints, anamnesis, objective data.4 Diagnostic plan. 5. Treatment tactics.

3- stages: Debriefing: self-assessment of the subgroup, what mistakes were made during the discussion, and the opinion of a parallel mini-group.

4- stages: Summarizing the discussion set out in the conditions of the clinical task. Effective communication: competently informed the patient, showed self-control. An important element of CBL with discussion is feedback: teacher – team, team – teacher.

At the end of the lesson, an anonymous survey of students is conducted for feedback. Advantage of the method:

– real situations (cases) combine theory and reality with its unique nature;

– case studies offer students the freedom to find unconventional ways to analyze the situation, identify and solve problems;

– in the process of working on the case, students create a learning process and through relationships with each other, they simulate a real communicative dependence;

– educational discussion is a dynamic and dialogical form of the educational process, a special way for students to interact with each other and with the teacher.

Thus, the ultimate goal is to identify the leading syndromes, conduct diagnostics, substantiate the clinical diagnosis taking into account clinical and laboratory data and generally accepted classifications of diseases, prescribe etiotropic, pathogenetic therapy.

Interactive interaction of students occurs not only with the teacher, but also with each other, the activity of students in the learning process dominates. Satisfaction of students by 97% according to the results of the survey.