Fadeyeva Olga
Is a candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor of Pedagogics, Head of department of physical education with Safe Living Basics.
Olga Fadeyeva was born on January 13, 1966, in Ush-Tobe city, Taldy-Kurgan region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 1987, she graduated from the Kazakh Institute of physical education in Almaty with degree in physical education. She has qualification of teach of physical education with sports specialization in volleyball.
In 2001, she was awarded with post graduate degree from Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism.
Olga Fadeyeva started her professional career in Pedagogical Institute named I.Djansugurov as a teacher of physical education in Taldy-Kurgan city in 1987.
From 2001 to 2004, she has been working in the Economical Colledge, Almaty city. In 2004 she was recruited as a teacher to the physical education and health department, Kazakh National Medical University.
Olga Fadeyeva has published more than 40 scientific works – two of them are training aids. Content of topics – physical education and sport, healthy lifestyle, pedagogy.
Phone number: +77772138560
Email: [email protected]

Asylkhan Bakhytzhan
Born in the June 20, 1981 in the village of Bayan Nuur Bayanulgiyskogo Mongolskaya district People’s Republic. By nationality – Kazakh.In 2005 he graduated from the Kazakh Academy of Tourism and the Faculty of Sports Physical Education and Sports as a teacher of physical education and to combat trainer.In 2015 he graduated from the master’s degree and received the degree of “Master of Social Sciences” of Taraz State University named after M.H.Dulati.Is the bronze medal International chempionota Sambo in honor of the “50 years of the foundation of sambo federation” in Almaty in 2004, is also a winner sportakiady among oralmans held in Almaty in 2004 (1st place), 2005 (3rd place), a silver medalist of the International Sambo competitions in Bishkek 2007.Since October 2007, he is an employee of the department “Health and Physical Education” of the Kazakh National Medical University S.Zh.Asfendiyarova. He defended the 2005 title of Master of Sports in Sambo candidate. He has authored over 10 scientific papers, which were published in national and international scientific conferences and in scientific journals approved list Control Committee for Supervision of Education and Science.
Phone number: 8 702 153 33 43
Email: asylkhan.b@kaznmu.kz

Bauyrzhan Zhunysbek
02 July 1981 – I was born in Trbagatay region of xinjiang ugihur autonomous region, Сhina
1998-I went to the third elementary school in tarbagatay region
1994-I went to secondary school ,in 2000- I graduated it.
2000-I arrived in almaty,republic of kazakhsthan.
2003-I enrolled in the Kazakh academy of sport and tourism to the sports game department
2007-I graduated the Kazakh academy of sports and tourism.
2009-I was adopted by the teacher at department of physical education and health in the Asfendiyarov Kazakh national medial university.
2009 to the precent day – the Asfendiyarov Kazakh national medial university, almaty. Position held is teacher of the department of physical education and health.
Phone number: 87029538008
Email: [email protected]

Bekbolatov Toktasyn Seisenbaevich
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education with a course of BLS.
He was born on March 11, 1966 in the village of Maly-Kamkaly, Moyinkum district, Zhambyl region.In 1991 he graduated from the Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture, Almaty with a specialization in physical education with qualification as a teacher of physical education. Sports specialization – wrestling, master of sports in Greco-Roman wrestling.In 1996 he graduated from full-time postgraduate study at the Kazakh State Academy of Sport and Tourism. In 2008 he was received by the head of the department of physical education and health, in KazNMU. S.D. Asfendiyarov. Currently, associate professor of the Department of Physical Education with a course of OBZH. More than 35 scientific works have been published, one of them is a textbook and 2 patents for an invention. Subjects of publications – physical culture and sports.Phone number: 8 (707) 7290272, work-2920024. Email- [email protected]

Butkei Sabit
13.05.1976.-Born in the Bayan-Olgey region.
1983 – entered the middle school, in 1993 – graduated from high school.
2007 – arrived in Almaty city of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2007 – entered the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism for a master’s degree.
2009 – graduated from the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism.
2010 – was accepted by the teacher at the Department of Physical Education with a course of OBZH in the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D Asfendiyarov.
2010- to date – Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D Asfendiyarov, Almaty. The current position is the head teacher of the physical education department with the course of the OBL.
Phone number: 87014677707
E-mail: [email protected]

Dzhakipbayeva Raushan Alimkulovna
The head teacher of the Department of physical education with LSB course.
Born on February 27th, 1970 in Dzhambul, Kazakhstan.
In 1994 graduated from Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism (former Kazakh Institute of physical culture) in Almaty with a degree in “Physical culture” as a teacher of physical culture “Coach”. The sports specialization is a basketball.
Professional experience started in 1987 in KazNMU (former ASMI) as an assistant.
In 1988 worked in the sports club “Densaulyk” as a teacher-coacher. From 199- to 1992 held the position of a Head of the accounting sector members of the ALYCL (All-Union Leninist Young Communist League). In 1994 worked in KazRI (Kazakh Reasearch Institute) of cardiology as a librarian. In 2001 started to work as a teacher of the Department of Physical Education and Health in KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov.
In the period from 2001 to 2016 published 17 articles. The topic of publications is physical culture and sport.
In 2014 finished extension course in the National Scientific and Practical center of physical culture in the specialty “Physical culture and sport”.
Phone number: 8 705 550 81 30
Email: [email protected]

Dzhigarbaev Bakytzhan Toktamberdievich
Was born on February 11, 1980 in the Almaty region, in Zharkent region, in the village of Turpan. He studied at the sports school named after Kazhimukan Munaitpasov and finished it in 1997. I entered the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism in Almaty and finished it in 2002.
Profession – Greco-Roman wrestling coach and physical education teacher.Since 2003 to the present time he works as a teacher of physical culture at the Kazakh National Medical University. S.Z. Asfendiyarov.Sports degree: Master of Sports in Greco-Roman wrestling. Champion and prize-winner of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Greco-Roman wrestling. Prizewinner of the International competitions in Greco-Roman wrestling. Represented our country in many countries: Turkey, India, Greco, France, Hungary, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia. Silver and bronze medalist of the Asian Championship. I won the 5th place in the World Championship.Phone number: 8 775 661 61 11.E-mail: [email protected].

Kalen Farida
Was born on 25 April 1976 in Bayan-Ulgii, Mongolia as Kazakh ethnic minority. In 1984 started her primary education in Bayan-Ulgii in Kazakh language.
In 1996 she enrolled to the Zhetisu State University based in Taldykorgan to the Faculty of “Physical Education and Sports” and graduated from the university with Bachelor’s Degree in 2000 successfully. While she was studying at the University she started practicing Rugby and joined the National Rugby Team of the Republic Kazakhstan. Farida has been awarded with the title of “Champion of Kazakhstan and Asia” in rugby multiple times since then. She also participated in International Rugby Championships in Canada in 2007 and in England in 2010.
In 1999, she was awarded the prestigious title of “Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and in 2006 she received an award “Master of Sports with International Rating of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
Phone number: 8 701 454 71 98
Email: [email protected]

Kambarova Aigul Zhumabekovna
Is a senior teacher of the department of Physical Education with course BSL.
Was born on August 3rd 1977 in Taldykorgan, Kazakhstan.
In 1998 graduated Zhetysu State University named after Iliyas Zhansugurov majoring Physical Education teacher. In 2003 graduated full-time traineeship in Kazakh academy of Sports and Tourism.
Her career started in the post of trainee lecturer of the department of Physical Education at Zhetysu State University named after Iliyas Zhansugurov. In 2005 was admitted as teacher to the department of of Physical Education and Health in KazNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov.
Merited Master of Sports, two – time champion of Kazakhstan in rhythmic gymnastics.
From 1998 to 2016 published more than 15 scientific papers. Subject of Publications – Physical Education and Sports.
In 2013 was trained to raise professional qualificationat at the National Scientific and Practical Centre of Physical Education in the specialty “Physical culture and sport”.
Phone number: 8 702 664 50 12
Email: [email protected]

Marshalhan Ayat
Was born March 26, 1982 in Bayan-Olgey, the Republic of Mongolia.
In 2001-2005yy. he is studying at Almaty State University named after Abay, faculty of “Pedagogy and Psychology” specialty “Basic military training and physical education” was qualified as a “basic military training and physical education teacher.”
In 2008 he was accepted as a physical education teacher at the Department of “Physical Education and Health” in the KazNMU named of S.Z. Asfendiyarov. Since then, he is a senior lecturer at the Department of Physical Culture “Physical Education and Health”.
In 2014-2016yy. Master’s degree in the specialty 6M010300 – Pedagogy – Psychology.
Publications: 32 papers, including 3-impact factor published in the index.
Degree in Sport: Candidate Master of Sports in freestyle wrestling (KMS)
Phone number: 87028070066

Pereverzev Natalia
Was born April 17, 1988 in Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
In September 1995 went to the first grade of secondary school № 11 of Turksib district of Almaty city. In June 2006, graduated from high school number 11. In September 2006, she entered the full-time department in the “Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism” at the faculty of Olympic sports, who graduated in June 2010. In September 2010 she entered the magistracy in “Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism” and graduated in July 2012 with a master’s degree of pedagogical sciences.
From January 2006 to July 2008 he stood for volleyball club “Zhetisu” as a team player. July 2008 – July 2009 volleyball club “Almaty”, team player. From July 2009 to September 2010 volleyball club “Astana” team player.
From September 2011 to January 2012 he worked as the name of the University of DA Kunaeva, a teacher of physical culture. From December 2011 to July 2013 worked as a teacher of special subjects ( “Sport Games”, “Organization for Tourism work”, “Basics of training trainers in favorites sport”, “Methods of teaching chosen sport” and “Improving the training of skills in favorites form sport” in Almaty videoconferencing. September 2012 – August 2015 teacher of physical training, the women’s team coach of the University of volleyball of the Kazakh National Agrarian University.
Since 2015 she has been working as an assistant and a volleyball coach at the S.D. Asfendiyarov University
Phone number: 8 707 166 28 16
Email: [email protected]

Radosnova Olga Ivanovna
Was born on December 31, 1961 in the village of Fryanovo, Moscow region. Russian Federation, in the family of employees.
In 1989 she entered and in 1994 she graduated from the Kazakh Institute of Physical Education in Almaty, with a specialization in physical education with the qualification of a coach and teacher of physical culture. He has 1 rank in track and field athletics, is a member of the Athletics Federation, in 2003 he was awarded the title of National judge of sports of the RK highest category in athletics.
2001-2005 Almaty city of KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, since 2004, was curator of the farm. faculty.2005-2013 in Almaty, KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, since 2006 has been transferred to the position of a senior teacher.2013- to the present day – Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Almaty. Phone number: 8 777 022 53 30E-mail: [email protected]

Rakhmetova Gulnur Nurgalievna
Teacher of the department of physical culture. Born on January 10, 1988 in the city of Kentau, South Kazakhstan region.
In 2009 she graduated from the International Kazakh – Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmet Yassayi in the city of Turkestan.
In 2012 she graduated from the magistracy in the Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism.
Labor activity began in 2009 as a senior instructor in sports of the Department of physical education and sports at KazNAU. In 2012, the teacher of the Department of physical Education and Sports at the University of KazNAU. Awarded the title of Master of Sports in Basketball of the Republic of Kazakhstan. №11051 order № 1-10\109 from 23 april 2009. Issued on July 14,2009. Published 5 scientific articles. Subject rublication of physical culture and sports.
In 2017, she underwent advanced training at the center for training of personnel at the Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism in the specialty “ Physial Education and Sports”, specialty Basketball. In the amount of 120 hours.
Since 2018, she has been working as an assistant and basketball coach at the S.D.Asfendiyarov University
Contact phone : 8 747 817 55 78
Email: [email protected]

Samoylenko Anatoly Nikolaevich
Teach of physical education department with course Fundamentals of Health and Safety. Born November 23, 1956 in Almaty region.
Labour activity began in 1974 From 1975 to 1977 in the army (Group of Soviet Forces in Germany).
From 1977 to 1981 study at the Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture.
In 1980 he confirmed the title of Master of sports in boxing. He is also the winner of 5 international competitions in Poland and eastern Germany, silver medalist and bronze in Republic of Kazakhstan.
From 1998 to 2006, teacher of Physical education at Almaty Institute of Transportation Engineering, later in KazATC. Since 2006 teacher of physical education in KazNMU. He wrote more than 30 articles which were published in the journal ”Vestnik” of NPTSFKs and collection of materials of scientific methodological conference. The head of the scientific article of the general medicine faculty students, which was ranked third at the International Conference Treasury in KazNU.
Contact phone :87029593237

Untayev Zhumagali Kambarovich
Was born in 1984 ,1st of December in Uzbekistan, in Tashkent city.
From the year 1992 till 2003 he was studying in the school #64 named after Baurzhan Momyshyly.
Between the years 2003-2007 he was studying in Kazakh National academy of sport and tourism on the faculty of Olympic Sport. He graduated as a football coach and teacher of P.E.
In the years 2007-2008 he was working as a P.E. teacher in school-gymnasium #124.
From 2008 he is currently working as a P.E. teacher and football coach in KazNMU named after S.Zh.Asfendiarov.
Phone number: 8 775 443 55 08
Email: [email protected]

Chinibaev Syrym Turarbekovich
Was born on 6 of March in region of Almaty , in area of Uighur ,in the village Shoshanay. Nationality-kazakh
In 2002 he graduated from the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism, Faculty of “Physical Culture and Sport”, the specialty of the teacher of physical education and combat trainer.
In 2000 he was awarded second place in regional competition of the Kazakh struggle.
In 2001 he received the third place in the competition of the Kazakh struggle in Taraz .
Since 2007, the year with the month of December he is a teacher in the department of physical education and health at the Kazakh National University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov.
In 2001 he received the title of “Candidate Master of Sports.” Author of more than 5 items. His articles have stated in the Republican scientific-research conferences and his scientific magazines experts in section of Educational and Scientific by surveillance and certification.
Contact phone : 8707 367 55 33
E-mail: [email protected]