Head of the department, docent Bagiyarova Fatima Arystanovna

- Academic degree – candidate of medical science, associate Professor
- 3387090 IP. 7251
- [email protected]
- Graduated: Almaty State Medical Institute, speciality “Pediatrics”
- Research interests – psychotherapy, neurology, medical psychology, communication skills.
- The author of 11 scientific publications, including 1 patent, 1 innovation

Doctor of medical sciences, professor, specialty «Psychiatry»
Mob. 8705-833-06-24
[email protected]
Graduated: Almaty State Medical Institute, speciality “General treatment”
Research interests: psychiatry, communication skill, medical psychology
Performs research work under the project of MHSD of RK «Development and perfection of psychosocial rehabilitation program and improving the quality of life of children having tumor of the Central Nervous System».
Co-author textbook «Communication skill», the author of 2 monographs on the problem of dependence on psychoactive substances, the author of handbook for medical universities «Course of psychotherapy», the author of more than 100 scientific publications about medical education and mental health.

Master of pedagogy science, Senior lecturer
Mob. 8 701 605 09 68
[email protected]
Graduated: Kazakh State Pedagogical Girls’ University, speciality – lecture of pedagogy and psychology, methodologist;
Research interests: attendance on subjects of the educational process, psychological peculiarities of a creative personality; family psychology, professional formation of a pedagogue-psychologist, psychotherapy.
The author of more than 30 scientific publications, 2 authorial certificates, co-author of 3 educational-methodological handbooks.

Master of social sciences, speciality «Psychology», Senior lecturer
Mob. 87017766123
[email protected]
Graduated: Kazakh State Pedagogical Girls’ University, speciality –«Psychology», 2005
Research interests: psychotherapy, psychological correction, suicidology, medical psychology.
For the last 5 years she has participated in some scientific projects such as:
Science project of KazNMU: «Psychometric testing the 1 st year students»
The author of 52 scientific publications: monograph – 1, methodological recommendations for practical healthcare – 2, methodological handbooks – 2, article with impact-factor of Scopus scientific base – 1, articles having impact-factor RISQ (РИНЦ) – 12.
Research work with students (2013-2014) – 7 projects.

Master of social sciences with a degree in psychology.
Mob. 877077171066
[email protected]
Graduated: Kazakh State Pedagogical Girls’ University, speciality – “Pedagogy and psychology”, 1993
Sphere of scientific interests: psychology, pedagogy.
Over the past 5 years has participated in the following research projects: Research project of KazNMU: «Psychometric testing the 1st year students»
The author of over 40 scientific publications

Doctor-psychiatrist, psychotherapist; assistant of the department
Mob. 8 701 959 05 30
[email protected]
High medical education:
Graduated from Kazakh NationalMedical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, the qualification of «Doctor of Medicine” medicine on speciality “Generally treatment”, 2012;
Master’s degree in University College London in UK, 2015 – Global Health Development
Professional retraining on the speciality “Psychiatry”, 2018.
Research interests: psychotherapy, transactional analysis, psychiatry, narcology, public health

Master of psychology, Senior lecturer
Mob. 87078304962
[email protected]
Graduated: Al- Farabi KazNU, speciality: “Psychology”
Research interests: psychological correction, suicidology, medical psychology
The author of more than 30 scientific publications, co-author of 1 textbook , translator of 2 educational-methodological handbooks.

Master of psychology; Senior lecturer
Mob. 8 701 751 9194
[email protected]
Graduated: Al- Farabi KazNU, speciality: “Psychology”
Research interests: psychological features of creative personality; family psychology; judicial-psychological expertise; psychotherapy.
Author of more than 30 scientific publications, co-author of 2 educational-methodological handbooks.

Master of social sciences with a degree in psychology, Senior lecturer
Mob. +7 707 635 92 69;
Kashaganova@ bk.ru
-Kazakh State Pedagogical Girls’ University, speciality – “Psychology and pedagogy”, 1988
– “Kaynar” University: Master of social sciences on the specialty “ Psychology”, 2013
Research interests: pedagogy, psychology, psychological features of adaptation of young specialists in the new work
The author of 40 scientific publications

Master of psychology
Mob. 8 701 751 9194
[email protected]
Graduated: Kazakh National Pedagogical university after Abai, specility “Psychology and pedagogy”, 2007
Research interests: accentuation of character
The author of over 27 scientific publications

Doctor-psychiatrist, psychotherapist; assistant of the department
mob.: 87004004455
[email protected], [email protected]
– Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, speciality “General treatment” -040100 – 2010;
– Internship (KazNMU): “Therapy”, 2011
– Rezidentship (KazNMU): «Psychiatry » – 6R111600, 2013;
-Qualification of psychotherapist #179, 2011, ISGAI (Germany) –International society for guided affective imagery and mental techniques in psychotherapy and psychology;
-«The formation of communicative competence», J. Draper (36 h, KazNMU, 2012);
«Investigations and assessments in communication skills», К. Mails (36 h, KazNMU, 2012)
Research interests: Psychosomatic Medicine, Communication skills, Personality Growth.
The author of 5 scientific publications, co-owner of 2 copyright publication certificates.

Master of Social Sciences in the specialty “Psychology”.
Mob.: 87772333036
[email protected]
Kazakh National Pedagogical university after Abai, specility Master of Social Sciences in the speciality “Psychology”.
-“Kaynar” University – “Jurisprudence”. Bachelor of Laws.
KazNPU after Abai – Psychologist, teacher of psychology.
-medical college – medical assistant
Specializations: Gestalt therapist, NLP Practitioner, Erickson consultant, business coach on staff development, psychological diagnostics in human processes of the enterprise
Research interests: psychology, psychotherapy, psychological correction.
The author of scientific articles “Codependency as a subject of psychological research”, “Formation of communicative skills of the students of the” Nursing”
Co-author: – “Communicative competence in other specialties” // Model of medical education of the Kazakh NMU after S.D. Asfendiyarov. Communicative skills of the graduate”.
– “Methods of evaluation system of communication competences Bachelor specialty ” Nursing “” // “Monitoring formation of communicative competence in medical universities”, 2012

Master of social sciences, speciality «Psychology», Senior lecturer
Mob. 8-705-982-18-64
[email protected]
Kazakh State Pedagogical Institute after Abai, speciality – «Russian language and literature», 1985
Kazakh State Pedagogical Girls’ University, speciality –«Psychology», 2003
Research interests: formation doctors’ communicative competence, psychology of professional stress, the problem of emotional burning out, family psychology, psychological consulting.
For the last 5 years she has participated in some scientific projects such as “The importance of volunteer movement “from equal for equal” in giving students information about reproductive sexual health” (grant of KazNMU). Period of work: 01.03.14- 31.12.14.
The author of 60 scientific publications.