The 2009 XIII International Scientific Congress: «Современный Олимпийский спорт и спорт для всех», 2013 Republican Scientific and Practical Seminar: «Здоровье формирующие технологии, как путь повышения эффективности дисциплины физическая культура» in the university, conducted by the Kazakh National University named. Al-Farabi for the faculty of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2014 Republican scientific and practical seminar with international participation: «Здоровье формирующие технологии, как путь повышения эффективности дисциплины физическая культура»in the university, conducted by the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi. In November 2017у. the teachers of the department participated in the International Scientific and Methodological Conference on “Innovation in Education and Science”.The scientific work of the staff is devoted to the important problem of studying the influence of impact factors and risk levels for the population and protection of the environment in emergency situations. For the period 2014-2016. employees published more than 10 scientific papers. Among them are: “Topical issues of studying the safety of the population and protecting the environment in emergency situations”, “Estimation of the danger of the fine disperse dust particles in the air”, “Assessment of risk factors for public health in natural disasters “And” Organization of antiepidemic support of the population in emergency situations. “