№ | Full Name students
| Course, school
| Title of publication (article, thesis)
| Imprint (city, year, name of the journal / collection, p.) | scientific adviser |
1 | Almukhanova K.K.
| 2 course school GM. | Методы реабилитации студентов специальных медицинских групп средствами туристско-краеведческой деятельности | Scientific and practical journal. Bulletin of Physical Culture №3-4, 2015, p.54-59 | m.s.SSSR, senior lecturer Samoylenko A.N.
2 | Almukhanova K.K.
| 2 course school GM. | Основные принципы спортивной тренировки | Scientific and practical journal. Bulletin of Physical Culture №3-4, 2015, p.12-16 | m.s.SSSR, senior lecturer Samoylenko A.N.
3 | Almukhanova K.K.
| 2 course school GM. | Основные средства и методы тренировки боксера | Scientific and practical journal. Bulletin of Physical Culture №3-4, 2015, p.49-54 | m.s.SSSR, senior lecturer Samoylenko A.N.
4 | Almukhanova K.K.
| 2 course school GM. | Выработка стратегии тактики для боксеров высокого уровня | Scientific and practical journal. Bulletin of Physical Culture №3, 2015, p.59-66 | m.s.SSSR, senior lecturer Samoylenko A.N.
| Bagdatov D.
| 2 course school GM. | Влияние весоростовых показателей на физическое состояние студентов | Scientific and practical journal. Bulletin of Physical Culture №3, 2016, p.69-71 | m.s.SSSR, senior lecturer Samoylenko A.N.
5 | Bagdatov D.
| 2 course school GM. | Планирование тренировок в боксе для выступлений на соревнованиях высокого уровня | Scientific and practical journal. Bulletin of Physical Culture, 2016.
| m.s.SSSR, senior lecturer Samoylenko A.N.
6 | Serikova G.B.
| 1 course school GM. | Психологическая подготовка в современном боксе | Scientific and practical journal. Bulletin of Physical Culture, 2016.
| m.s.SSSR, senior lecturer Samoylenko A.N.
7 | Alieva H.
| 2 course school GM. | Подготовленность спортсменов к соревнованиям | Scientific and practical journal. Bulletin of Physical Culture, 2016.
| m.s.SSSR, senior lecturer Samoylenko A.N.
In the last 2014-2016 the high motivation of students in the preparation of scientific works was noted. Together with the teachers of the course OBZH published more than 30 scientific student works. The relevance of the scientific problems posed is reflected in the following research papers of students: “The role of cars in air pollution in Almaty”, “The use of nanotechnologies in seismic protection”. A number of student works that won prizes in the competition of the NIRS of the Faculty of Oz KazNMU were awarded with valuable prizes and letters: “Ұйқы кезеңдері және оның ағза үшін әсері”, “Қазіргі замаңғы болашақ дәрігелердің сөйлеу мәдениеті”.