Издательская деятельность

1. On acute cerebral circulatory disorders. Sultankulova G.T., Turlekieva J.M. Paediatrics and paediatric surgery, Tajikistan, Dushanbe 3 (43) 2019.
2. Current trends in diagnosis and surgical treatment of cystic-adenomatous lung malformation in children. Oynarbaeva A.A. Materials of the IX-th Congress of Paediatricians of the CIS countries child and society: problems of health, development and nutrition «formation of children’s health in modern conditions of health care» and III forum on nutrition 10-11 October 2019 salt. p. 164 Tajikistan, Dushanbe.
3. Results of the surgical treatment of pilorostenosis in children. Tursunov K.T. Materials of the I-st congress of the Association of Paediatric Surgeons of Central Asia and I-st congress of “Kazakhstan paediatric surgeons of Almaty, Kazakhstan, 13-14 June 2019
4. Clinical case of extracorporeal testis ectomy. Ormantaev A.K., Turuskin V.G., Momynkulov A.O Materials of the I-st congress of the Association of Paediatric Surgeons of Central Asia and I-st congress of “Kazakhstan paediatric surgeons of Almaty, Kazakhstan, 13-14 June 2019
5. Using of the peritoneal dialysis for acute renal damage in newborns and children following cardiac surgery with artificial blood circulation. Sepbaeva A.D. Materials of the I-st congress of the Association of Paediatric Surgeons of Central Asia and I-st congress of “Kazakhstan paediatric surgeons of Almaty, Kazakhstan, 13-14 June 2019
6. Surgical treatment of complicated forms of ulcer disease of stomach and duodenum in children». Oinarbaeva E.A. National Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “Application of High Innovative Technologies in Preventive Medicine”, 11-12 June 2020
7. Our experience in surgical treatment of scoliosis in children at the University clinic «Aksai». Hwang Yu.M, Turlekyiv J.M. Materials of the 3rd Congress of Traumatologists and Orthopedics of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 7th Congress of Traumatologists-Orthopedics, 3-4 October 2019

2020 – 2021
1. Aspects of the organization of cardiac surgery for newborn children at the Centre for Perinatology and Paediatric Cardiac Surgery. Sepbaeva A.D. Journal Health Care of Kyrgyzstan 2, 2021.
2. Clinical case of gastroesophageal reflux disease in a child with neurological disorders
Oynarbaeva E.A. Tajikistan, Dushanbe (348) 2021, p 85-90
3. Principles of upper respiratory burn therapy in children. Turlekieva J.M., Sultankulova G.T. Smagulova D.U. Paediatrics and paediatric surgery 1, 2021, 160-161.

Scientific activities
School of Paediatric Surgeons – Endosurgery of newborns, children and teenagers by Professor Kozlov Y.A.