Syllabuses have been developed for the disciplines “Propaedeutics of childhood diseases-1”, “Propaedeutics of childhood diseases-2”, elective “Interviews and physical research methods in the practice of internal diseases” for the specialty “Pediatrics” and “General Medicine”, according to the State Educational Standard–2017, and undergraduate educational programs for 3rd year students, according to the educational and industrial practice “Introduction to the profession”, “Assistant to a procedural nurse” in 3 languages. Teaching staff of the department actively participate in the development of syllabuses for 3rd year modules every year. It is planned to publish educational manuals and a handbook on the discipline “Propaedeutics of childhood diseases”.
The staff of the department provides medical advice at clinical bases, conducts seminars and master classes for practical healthcare of the city, participates in clinical reviews, conducts examination of medical histories and participates in clinical and pathoanatomical conferences.
80% of teachers have the highest qualified medical category.