
Boranbayeva Riza Zulkarnaevna

Head of the Department

e-mail: [email protected]

Department staff

Tashenova Gulnar Talipovna
Doctor of Medical Sciences , Associate Professor, head teacher of the Department




СарбасоваSarbasova Zhanna Orazbaevna

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, pediatrician of the highest category.
Email – [email protected]




БожбанбаеваBozhbanbayeva Nishangul Seitbekovna

MD, Professor of the Department




НургалиеваNurgalieva Zhanar Zhenisovna
Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate Professor (associate professor), pediatrician, of the highest qualification category.






Karimkhanova Akbota Toktargazynovna,
PhD, pediatrician
Email: [email protected]




АжахметоваAzhakhmetova Mira Zekenovna
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Children’s Diseases, pulmonologist, pediatrician





БайгазиеваBaigazieva Gulzhan Zholdaskhanovna
PhD, Associate Professor, neonatologist, doctor of the highest category,




СейсебаеваSeisebayeva Roza Zhakanovna-MD,
Associate Professor of the Department



ТулебаеваТulebayeva Aigul Bayazitova
Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department, doctor of the highest category





ОналбаеваOnalbayeva Baglan Zhumagalievna
Master of Medical Sciences, Assistant




ТажиеваTazhieva Katia Nurillaevna
Assistant, pediatrician




БекеноваBekenova Aliya Esbolatovna
Assistant of the Department of Children’s Diseases with the course of neonatology named after N.A. Barlybayeva .
e-mail: [email protected]




КисленкоKislenko Anatoly Viktorovich
assistant, gastroenterologist,
e-mail: kislenko.a@kaznmu .kz





МанасбаеваManasbayeva Araily Yelubayevna





СагимоваSagimova Raykhan Shyrynbayevna
Assistant, Master of Medical Sciences, MD.





БокетоваBоketova Bibigul Nusipkozhaevna
Assistant of the Department of Children’s Disease
e-mail: [email protected]




ЖетписбаеваZhetpisbayeva Nurpatsha Kenesovna





ИсаеваIsaeva Nurayim Duysenalievna
Assistant , nephrologist, pediatrician





ШимShim Viktor Robertovich
Master of Medical Sciences, Assistant





АдилбековаAdilbekova Indira Mukhtarovna

Assistant,pediatrician, neonatologist of the first qualification category




АманжоловАmanzholov Talgat Akhmetkarimovich
e-mail: [email protected]




ЕсеноваYesenova Sara Abidullayevna

Assistant of the Department