Every year, 40-70 2nd-4th year students study in the student society. During the academic year, SSS meetings are held monthly, including at the clinical bases of KazNMU. GM and pediatric students make presentations at the annual “Student Science” conferences.
Reports were prepared and made in Russian, Kazakh and English:
In March 2021, 2nd and 4th year students of GM Zhakanbai Symbat and Koshanova Sabina, under the guidance of assistant Eszhanova E.D., won the research competition in the category “Unlimited Creativity” with a report on the topic: “ physical inactivity”
In 2023, on March 8-9, at the III International Olympiad of Medical University Students “From the teachings of Abu Ali ibn Sina – to the third RENAISSANCE” held by the Bukhara State Medical Institute under the leadership of the head department, k.m.s. Sagatbaeva N.A. pediatric-3rd year student Nurgazina Aizhan spoke.
In 2023, on April 14-15, at the III International Conference of Students and Young Scientists “From Experience to Project” held by Al-Farabi Kazakh National University under the guidance of docent, PhD Sairankyzy S. made a report in English Modern understanding of celiac disease in adults students of the international faculty-3 courses Ismailova D., Zhumatova A., Kinayatova I.
In 2023, in September, at the 8th International Pediatric Games “Pediatrics at the Crossroads of Generations”, organized by the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after. I.K. Akhunbaeva IF students – 4th year Ismailova D., Zhumatova A., Kinayatova I. took 3rd place. The scientific supervisor is docent of the Department, PhD Sairankyzy S.
In 2023, on December 8, at the scientific and practical conference of students, interns, residents “Young pediatric researcher” organized by the Department of Children’s Diseases named after. N.A. Barlybaeva KazNMU named after. S.D. Asfendiyarov made a report “Evaluation of the effectiveness of antenatal prevention of respiratory distress syndrome in the fetus” IF students – 4th year Ismailova D., Zhumatova A., Kinayatova, as well as pediatric faculty students – 3rd year Iskak K., Erseitova A., Zharylkasynova A., Beibit A., Kudaibek N. made a presentation “Long-term outcomes in preterm infants with extremely low and low birth weight.” The scientific supervisor is docent of the Department, PhD Sairankyzy S.